Marina De Franceschini - Giuseppe Veneziano
«Archeoastronomia nel Mausoleo di Adriano (Castel Sant’Angelo, Roma)».
Presentazione at the 13th International Archaeoastronomy conference in Sardinia «The Measurement of Time»
Sassari, 29 novembre 2024, 11am
Sala conferenze della Fondazione di Sardegna, via Carlo Alberto 7.
Phone: 0039-328 76 94 678
Presentation about our discoveries of Archaeoastronomy in the Mausoleum of Hadrian, today’s Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome.
We reconstruct its thousand year history, closely linked to that of Rome and thanks to Archaeoastronomy we can propose a new and unprecedented reconstruction of the Mausoleum, published this year in our latest book «Castel Sant'Angelo. Hadrian's Mausoleum. Architecture and Light».