Marina De Franceschini is an independent archaeologist and researcher. She is one of the major scholars of Hadrian's Villa in Tivoli and of Roman villas in general, on which she has published several volumes and articles.
Together with Giuseppe Veneziano she is a pioneer in the studies of Roman cultural archaeoastronomy. Together they discovered the astronomical orientation of Villa Adriana, of the Mausoleum of Hadrian (Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome), and most of all the Arc and the Square of Light in the Pantheon.
Together they published the book “Villa Adriana, Architettura Celeste. I segreti dei solstizi”, 2011 reprint 2016
"Pantheon. Architetura e Luce", 2021
and several articles dedicated to archeo-astronomy in ancient Roman buildings.
She is the founder of the Accademia Project focused on the Accademia in Hadrian’s villa at Tivoli (still imp private property), where she used the Laser Scanner for the first time for an archaeological survey with the architects Umberto Pavanello and Giorgia Andreatta.
Giuseppe Veneziano is an archaeoastronomer and was one of the founding members of the Ligurian Association for the Development of Archaeoastronomic Studies (A.L.S.S.A.), of which he is President since several years.
Since 2005 he has been a member of the Italian Society of Archaeoastronomy (S.I.A.), and works with the Astronomical Observatory of Genoa.
After devoting himself to pure astronomy, with a particular interest in comets and stellar spectrography, he devoted himself to the study of archeoastronomy.
Since 2009 he worked with Marina De Franceschini in the study of archeo-astronomy in ancient Roman buildings, which they discovered in Villa Adriana, in the Pantheon, and in other Roman sites.
He has published numerous articles on the subject and several books:
“Un antico osservatorio astronomico. La Roccia del Sole: un calendario per gli uomini dell’Età del Rame” (2008, with Giuseppe Brunod);
“Villa Adriana, Architettura Celeste. I segreti dei solstizi” (2011, with Marina De Franceschini);
“Il cuore celtico dell'Augusta dei Taurini. Il ruolo dell'astronomia nella fondazione della Torino delle origini” (2019, with Piero Barale).
"Pantheon. Architetura e Luce" 2021, with Marina De Franceschini